Hanbok Collection Season3 Asia-Lyn

I met Asia-Lyn in my Drawing II class as I took the class as my teaching internship with professor Terpstra. Out of all the young, freshmen art majors, I realized Asia-Lyn was another one like me in the similar age range. She had a sleek shortcut with huge blue eyes, always dressed dandy and vintage. On the day I did my teaching demo for mixed media photography she approached for connection and right after I invited her to my studio on 5th floor. Then it was a surprise, a huge surprise that she had actually seen my 4 x 4 enormous mixed media photography panel last year sitting in one of the open classrooms as I could not fit in my car. She mentioned it as we walked to the studio and I denied it could have been my work because I have never hung any work on the wall. Well, alas, there it was in my studio, the panel she saw and we met. The art and the viewer, then the artist and the artist. That encounter is still unforgettable… How art connects people who were meant to meet. Then she introduced me to a film project to collaborate with my paintings, and I finally asked her to be my model. She was so generous to let me in her space; I have not had an indoor shoot for a while but being in somebody’s space for a photoshoot usually creates something really, really unique. Space and the person create fascinating connection and artistry; her space was gorgeous and calm at the same time.

Before I left Asia-Lyn read Taro cards for me in the living room where the sunset light was dimly lit; her roommate’s cat was lingering above our cards. It was the week before my quarter ended, and I was exhausted, at a point where I don’t know if I’m exhausted or not. Her cards reading my energy really gave me encouragement; as I was shutting down people around me unconsciously and I was trying to have that end of the season baggage all to myself. I still remember that green card called wand fairy, and she said it represents me trying to go into a path that nobody has went, and I need supporters. The green card was meant for an encouragement, and it was what I exactly needed.

It was definitely a long trip that I made in the midst of quarter, the extra trip to Atlanta- however, I realized it was worth it. Thank you Asia-Lyn for your company! and for being amazing in front of my lens.