Hanbok Collection Season3 Marilyn

I met Marylin in the same drawing class I met Asia-Lyn in Winter quarter. She sat on the back row, and I realized right away she was a fashion major as how dressed seemed very classic and edgy. I thought she was very talented in her drawing skills; I adored them because she always had some sort of fashion garment as part of her main subjects. Other than that she still had intricate technique of executing subjects, it seems like her drawings delivered her personal qualities that were calm, soft, and feminine. We never talked much but I did think a few times she would really match my Yubi boutique garments. Then I met her again during Chloe’s Senior collection, and whoa! She was such a model. We talked briefly about the class and my future boutique, she showed much interest. The fact that she seemed organized, on time, and friendly- gave me a yes to ask her again to model for me.

So I made time after school ended, even though I did not need to drive all the way to Atlanta. At the end of Spring quarter I really told myself to make time for photoshoots, and I have done more than last year which I am very proud. Driving to Atlanta again was definitely a drive but I realized as I met Marylin again at Roswell she drove almost an hour with her mom for my photoshoot. She said if this garden in Roswell was your place, I did not mind the drive. Then I realized that her excitement towards my boutique garments was genuine; she was really wanting to be part of my artistry and that really gave me encouragement. The last look was the most recent sample from Korea, and I kinda had a peed of how my boutique photos would turn out: like this. When I have my hands off on my boutique preparation I tend to lose confidence and start to fall into deep doubts. In the midst of that the photoshoot with Marilyn was such an encouragement; it meant it was worth it, if one person was willing to wear my garment and be part of my world.