Hanbok Collection Season2 - Greg

Greg was the first person I ever asked for a photoshoot from SCAD. I took a printing class and I would come earlier than class time to do my assignment on the school printer; he was one of the students who did that too. That day he was learning printing from Alan (a printing master friend in the photography major) and he did not have the EPSON Luster premium printing paper and I offered some for him to use. His professor was next to him and told him “You gotta buy a new whole pack and give it back to her!” Then our conversations stared, realized he’s French immigrant. Even though majority of his life he lived in States but spoke French fluently too. By the time I was kind of drawing my next photo sessions including men with long hair, with my feminine style. Back then when we talked he had longer hair than the photos below, and asked him to be my model without returning the paper back. It was a chilly but sunny March-ish at Wynn park, I was surprised his photos turned out kind of matching what he said about himself from the interview. He graduated this year (2022) and went back to New Jersey. Hope you are doing fine Greg- his shoot is probably the blueprint of my future UB Studio men shoots :)

All the photos are from film camera. I carried two cameras for color and b&w - Enjoy!

I moved to the US when I was 9; I attended my first American school was when I was 10. I was timid, had a huge accent, and my English was not fully developed. I was also slightly socially inept, not always understanding people's subtle intentions behind their words or actions.

While my parents and I had our disagreements. We still learned of our differences in personalities and approaches to our communication style. This helped me in an adaptive mindset and how I knew better to talk and understand their enjoyments and frustrations. We do not often communicate when I am away, and I call them once a month and discuss with them for an hour instead of several small calls throughout the month. The most inspiring family member is grandma on my dad's side. She has inspired me in an artistic and philosophical as well. Her soft, determined and positive energy is infectious and has led me to try to be similar in approaching situations, conflicts, and my artwork.

My major is Film and TV, and my minor is photography. Sorry for the confusion, lol. But I have chosen film because of its wide variety of adventurous opportunities when making a narrative film. I also enjoy the creative and world-building process behind the storytelling elements when making a film. I ended adding photography as my minor halfway through my SCAD years because it supported my visual, narrative, and creative approach in the storytelling department of the film. I want to see my shots or the placement of my subject and characters - I can take the inspiration of my work and reuse it in other stories I develop into a movie.

As a filmmaker - I would like to see myself as a writer, producer, and director telling worldbuilding dramas, psychological thrillers, and sci-fi concepts and worlds. As a photographer, I genuinely enjoy the documentarian and artistic approach to street photographs and BTS photos of film sets. But I also want to invent my own narrative stories within a photo series - examples would be photographers like Duane Michaels, William Klein, or Gregory Crewdson.

My strengths in personality are openness and adaptability to any environment. I can talk to anyone, and I have a determined mindset.

My favorite colors are dark blue, black, and sometimes white. I am often attracted to neutral colors.